“Girls in IT jobs? Yes!”

TU Darmstadt participated in Girls' Day again in 2024


The University Computing Centre and the IT Training Coordination offered interested young girls exciting insights into some STEM professions on April 24th.

Ten girls in grades 5 to 7 were given the opportunity to get insights in various IT professions at TU Darmstadt as part of Girls' Day.

With the active support of the trainees Emil Brücher-Herpel, Lars Schulze-Falck and Erik Steuerwald as well as employees of the HRZ, the IT training coordination introduced them to different IT jobs in a fun and exploratory way. In addition to a tour in the server room, the students got the chance to learn about the insides of a computer and tinker with a small programming task. They also created an electric circuit using plasticine and learned how to connect cables by crimping them together.

The next Girls' Day will take place on April 3rd, 2025. We are already looking forward to welcoming motivated girls again and getting them excited about IT careers!

Impressions of Girls' Day 2024 at the HRZ