Hessenbox-DA manuals

Short instruction & ONLYOFFICE

You want to start right away? In this short instruction (opens in new tab) (only in German) you find the most important information on how to use Hessenbox-DA.

Instructions on how to use ONLYOFFICE in the Hessenbox-DA can be found in this PDF (opens in new tab) (only in German)

Documentation of the client software PowerFolder

Here you find a detailed English documentation on the producer's website.

FAQ: Questions and answers

General information

After a user with quota has left the employment at TU Darmstadt, the data stored by him/her in his/her personal area will be retained for a period of one month and then automatically deleted. If the user is a student, the period is approximately 90 days.

It makes no difference whether he/she uploaded the files him/herself or by releasing them to a third party.

In the case of users without a quota, the corresponding account will be deleted after they leave their studies or their guest status has expired, and the assigned authorisations will be withdrawn immediately.

In the case of external users, the HRZ reserves the right to delete access after a longer period of non-use (from 6 months).

An account created by an external person is valid without restrictions with the corresponding password. If the user has not logged in for 6 months, it will be deleted from the system.

Several people have access to functional addresses, so that several people would have access to the same Hessenbox account.

This would make it impossible to differentiate in the logging of actions and it would no longer be possible to see who has made changes.

Functional addresses are therefore not permitted. A share with read/write rights of folders to several people is an alternative solution.

With large amounts of data, synchronization problems may occur if the client loses the connection to the server in between. This may cause data or content to be lost from files.

We recommend that you copy the files/folders and then delete them in the “old” folder instead of moving them (cut + paste). Additionally it is useful to deactivate the synchronisation during the copying process or to close the client in order to start the synchronisation only after the successful local copying.

No, the synchronised files can be of any size as long as the allocated storage space is sufficient.

The Hessenbox takes up many times more storage space locally than the actual file size.

This is because the Hessenbox Client stores the version history and thus consumes more storage space as the number of file versions increases.

Solution: The number of saved versions can be set for both the local file system and the online backup

Go to the Hessenbox application and open one of its directories. Under Settings you will find the item “Local file history”. This is the number of versions that are stored locally. To save local storage space you can deactivate the local versioning and delete the previously stored local versions with “x”. The historical versions remain on the server.

You can find instructions here .

The permissions can only be assigned to folders, a subfolder or file-related permission is not possible.

In order to share individual files with different persons, a separate folder must be created for each person or authorisation group.

To store files in a folder via WebDAV, the URL:


and the user name and password of the Hessenbox account must be used as access data. FOLDERNAME in the URL stands for the name of the folder.

Prerequisite is that writing rights are available for the folder.

Error messages

Symptom: Although the first login to the Hessenbox-DA worked, the login attempt now shows that the password is incorrect, both in the web portal and in the desktop client. In TUCaN, Moodle and the access-protected institute pages, however, login with the TU-ID works without any problems.

Problem: The TU-ID is not used for login or the agreement to the Hessenbox terms of use in the IDM portal and/or the required release of storage capacity is missing.

Solution: Use only your TU-ID to log in to the Hessenbox-DA. You must also agree to the Hessenbox terms of use on the IIDM portal in advance. The agreement is made in the personal account in the menu “Zustimmungen”.

As an employee you have more storage capacity available in the Hessenbox. However, this is not automatically allocated to you when you change your status.

Solution: In case of a status change, new employees have to register in the IDM-Portal. The additional storage capacity can be activated there in the “Agreements” (in German “Zustimmungen”) section.

Symptom: A folder in the Hessenbox is to be excluded from synchronisation. As soon as the menu item “Exclude” is right-clicked on a folder, the folder is not displayed in the web interface, neither for the user nor for other users of the folder.


  • With “Stop sync”, only the synchronisation is no longer executed. The data stored on the client and the server and any other clients are retained. The data will continue to be synchronised between the server and the other clients.
  • With “Exclude from synchronisation” the data is deleted from the server and thus from the web. With other clients connected to the folder, however, they are retained, they are only marked there with “not synchronised”.


The checkmark at “Synchronise” must be removed. If the checkmark is set, the “Exclude” list is also synchronised with the other clients. If it is interpreted incorrectly it may lead to data loss.

You can find instructions here .

Symptom: A folder you have been invited for can be seen via the Hessenbox web interface, but the synchronisation of the folder with the Hessenbox client does not work, even if the client has been uninstalled and reinstalled.


  1. In the Hessenbox client, right click on the folder and select “Stop Sync”.
  2. In the pop-up window that appears, check “Delete local metadata” and “Delete local files” and click on “Stop Sync”.
  3. Then click on the greyed out folder to set it up again.

Files remain in the “File history” after deleting. This enables you to restore files after they have been mistakenly deleted. The file history occupies quota just like the “ real ” files.

Solution: The number of saved versions can be reduced. To do this, select the folder and choose “Verwalten” (Manage) in the web interface at the top right. After saving the new number of versions, also check that the recycle bin does not contain too much data.

In the client, the versions can be reduced by marking the folder and then selecting the “Einstellungen” (Settings) tab on the right.

For reading shared folders of other Hessenbox accounts, no separate storage space is required; to create files yourself, you must activate storage space for your Hessenbox-DA account.

You give your consent to the Hessenbox-DA in the Identity Management of the TU Darmstadt (IDM) in your personal account under the menu item “Consents” (in German: “Zustimmungen”, in the left menu).

The storage space must be activated in the IDM under Consents for the Hessenbox-DA.

Symptom: No files can be opened in the Hessenbox Android App. The message “FILE CANNOT BE TRANSMISSIONED” appears at each attempt.

Solution: The memory access must be set (enabled) manually in the Android App settings.

Invitations to folders are no longer accepted automatically, they must be actively accepted by the invited person.

see instructions: “manage/remove folder members” (in the web interface)

After you have shared a folder, the invited person will receive an e-mail informing him/her of the invitation. As soon as this person has accepted the invitation, you will also receive an e-mail informing you that your invitation has been accepted.

The simultaneous use of several PowerFolder based clients on one device is not simple. The client software, no matter with which branding, always uses the same configuration files as the original software without further configuration. When installing a new client, the data of the other, already installed client will be overwritten. This results in a mess.

For advanced users there is the possibility to start multiple instances via command line parameters.

Example for the use of the Hessenbox and LRZ client:

If the Hessenbox DA Client is already installed and the LRZ Client is to be added, the link properties in the start menu have to be added at the end in the link properties at the target:

Hessenbox DA: -z

LRZ Sync&Share: -z -c LRZ