Major Moodle update with new features in function and design
On 12 September, a major Moodle update to Moodle version 4 was successfully carried out. Moodle 4 brings some new features both functionally and in design. The Moodle Exam system will be updated to Moodle 4 at a later date after the exam period.

The focus of the new Moodle version is primarily on improving the user experience, especially with regard to function and design.
The version update in detail
- New homepage and completely new design
- Personalised dashboard with a new look and feel
- Improved and unified navigation, new course index
- New, more comprehensive text editor (TinyMCE)
- Simplified course editing, bulk-editing, more intuitive drag&drop
- New functions in the question bank
- Better user experience in the grading overview (gradebook)
- Notifications for content changes
Resources and support for the new Moodle 4