Service characteristics
TU Darmstadt's email infrastructure offers...
Our email gateway consists of:
- a MailOut server for sending emails via decentralized email servers (central outgoing mail server),
- a MailOut internal server exclusively for sending emails internally (this is an internal outgoing mail server; for example for printers, faxes or servers which are not mail servers and which must or should send emails without authentication),
- and a MailIn server for receiving emails coming in from outside our campus.
As part of TU Darmstadt's , a Sophos Puremessage Server scans all incoming and outgoing emails for viruses and filters incoming spam. IT security policy
In addition to HRZ's central email servers, decentralized email servers can be operated locally by institutions. These are bound to HRZ's email gateways and can therefore use the central MailOut server, after being registered accordingly.