E-learning Platforms
Moodle – Panopto - OpenLearnWare – Mahara

To support e-learning at TU Darmstadt, HRZ operates various e-learning platforms in cooperation with the Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle (HDA).

Four e-learning platforms, four scenarios of use…


  • a central and password-protected location for digital learning material from courses
  • courses provided by instructors for closed student groups


  • web-based application for video management and delivery
  • easy integration of videos in Moodle courses


  • an online platform for free access to and exchange of digital learning material from courses for interested parties
  • visibility of teaching


  • an e-portfolio system (digital folders), e.g. for digital competence profiles (education, skills, goals, etc.)
  • documentation, reflection and feedback on learning processes

A brief description of the e-learning platforms…

Service features: What you get

  • central and password-protected location for digital teaching materials
  • Moodle training for beginners and advanced users
  • technical support
  • advice on usage possibilities within Moodle
  • comprehensive support offers with detailed information on the functionalities, instructions and FAQ
  • mobile MoodleApp available through the respective app stores

Who can provide material in Moodle?

All TU Darmstadt institutions, university groups and student bodies can create a Moodle course.

All teachers, students and staff at TU Darmstadt as well as guests with guest-TU-ID can attend or manage courses in Moodle. External users without a TU-ID can log in as guests, but they only have read permissions for public courses.

How do I set up a Moodle course?

Events displayed in TUCaN can be easily set up via the TUCaN-Moodle interface. Deployment is fully automated and takes only a few minutes.

Moodle courses that are not linked to TUCaN can set up a course via . Simply send us an e-mail with the title and short title of the course as well as the department in which it is to be classified. In this case, the set up can take up to three working days.

Framework conditions

To use Moodle you need a browser and your activated TU-ID.

Service features: What you get

  • web-based application for video management and delivery
  • integrated recorder for recording and editing screencast videos
  • automatic subtitle function (optional)
  • live streaming of events
  • integration with the learning platform Moodle, for an easy embedding of videos in Moodle courses

Who can use Panopto? And how do I get access?

After an initial link-up with a Moodle course, teachers are automatically provided with an area on the Panopto platform. Videos can also be uploaded and made available in Panopto without Moodle courses. Further information on this is available on the websites of the e-learning working group.

Students can access the videos via the respective Moodle course or the platform itself.

Framework conditions

To use the platform you need an activated TU-ID.

Service features: What OpenLearnWare offers

  • unlimited file upload
  • media (audio recordings, video, PDFs) downloadable in different resolutions
  • mark lecture recordings and view them later
  • share media content
  • subscription to RSS feeds

Who can provide material in OLW? How do I get access?

As a lecturer at TU Darmstadt you can make teaching material from your lectures publicly available on the platform. To provide material, you need access to the platform.

Please send your request for activation to .

After a consultation and clarification of licensing issues, we will set up your access as soon as possible.

Framework conditions

A browser is required to use OpenLearnWare.

Service features: The functions in Mahara

  • upload and/or embed media
  • combining artifacts into views
  • group work with common documents, forums and views
  • giving feedback, commenting and evaluating
  • various sharing options (for certain users; public; secret URL; time-controlled)

Who can use Mahara?

Both, students and teachers with TU-ID can use Mahara. Registration for the platform is via Moodle.

Framework conditions

The storage space per user is 50MB, an increase to 200 MB is possible upon request.