Virtuel Desktop (vDesk)

The service allows the use of applications on a virtual desktop (vDesk) based on a VDI-based system (VDI=Virtual Desktop Infrastructure).

The applications can be used on an end device via the vDesk client or in a web browser via the vDesk portal.

User groups

The service is available to all members (students, employees, researchers, lecturers, doctoral candidates) of TU Darmstadt. A TU-ID is required for use.

vDesk offers...

We virtualise your special applications as virtual applications or in addition to other applications on a complete desktop and bring them to any end device of your choice.

Virtual applications: comparable to web applications or locally installed applications

Virtual desktops: a virtual workstation with multiple applications

vDesk extra features: additional options to support your day-to-day work

The service is currently available in pilot operation.

An up-to-date web browser or the client provided must be installed on the end device. The person accessing the service requires a valid Windows licence from the EES contract or must licence this independently.

The service is currently free of charge.

Get to know the ‘virtual desktop’: How-to Videos

The following videos give you a brief overview of the service (currently only available in German):