Group management in the central IDM system for administrators
As an administrator you can connect your services to the central authentication infrastructure of the TU-Darmstadt. In addition to the attributes to accounts themselves, their group memberships can also be supplied.
The group management in the offers users inside and outside the HRZ the possibility to organize TU-IDs into groups and to connect these groups to services. The groups are managed via the IDM portal and can be automatically made available to the service both in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Active Directory (AD) and via Single Sign-on (SSO). This gives administrators the ability to link permissions for their services to IDM groups. IDM portal
In addition, group memberships can be maintained or delegated for maintenance by supervisors, for example.
Due to the scope and complexity, the HRZ offers user training on this topic.
More information on the contents and requirements for use as well as training can be found on our website.