he following article is not necessary for the successful use of the TSM data backup software. Rather, it is intended to give the interested user a small insight into how the system works, and possibly awaken understanding for a few details in TSM that seem incomprehensible to many users.
TSM internal (from HRZ-Durchblick July 2008) View article (in German) (opens in new tab)
Backup is the creation of (also offline) copies of existing files so that they can be restored in case of destruction or accidental deletion. A file therefore exists at least twice: In the user's local file system and on HRZ backup system. If a file is changed in the local file system, a new copy is also created during the next backup. If a file is deleted from the local file system, it is no longer available in the backup system.
Archiving is the one-time copying of a file in its current state to the HRZ backup system. Archived files are not automatically changed or deleted by further archiving, even if the original in the local file system changes.
Note: With TSM, an archive is always provided with a lifetime. After this lifetime has expired, the data is automatically deleted without further warning.
If you write data to an archive and delete it locally on your system, the only version of this data is still on the HRZ backup system. If there is an error in the TSM on the HRZ backup system, there is a risk of losing this data irretrievably. An archive is therefore not always a useful backup copy of your data.
- Just do it
Any backup is better than none - Do it regularly
Routine is the best protection against forgetting. - Check that all important data is really backed up.
- Test your restore
Only then can you be sure you have a working copy. - Backups for backup
Make sure that you still have a usable backup even if the data medium is defective. Do not use the same data carrier every day - Protect your backup from user error
Most data loss is caused by the user. Make sure that it is impossible to delete data and backup at the same time.