Manage your own Git repositories!

With GitLab, the focus lies on code management to track which changes were made to content such as source code, LaTex files, or scripts, and to track when these changes were made. You maintain an overview of your projects and data and thereby increase their quality.

GitLab is a web application for version management of software projects based on Git. It offers various management and bug tracking functionalities.

User groups

There are two different instances of GitLab, each with different user permissions and features.

A feature comparison can be found on the following page https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/self-managed/feature-comparison/.

The following table shows the usage rights:
(Ultimate for Education)
students of TU Darmstadt ✔ if GitLab is used for study purposes
employees and guests with TU-ID of TU Darmstadt ✔ if GitLab is used for teaching or open source projects
external users/authentification via GitHub ✔ can collaborate in projects (teaching/open source project), if they are invited by the project owner ✔ can collaborate in projects, if they are invited by the project owner

Service characteristics

TU GitLab offers...

  • a way to host and manage your software projects in the context of research, teaching etc.
  • version management especially for source code (but also for text files, e.g. in LaTex)
  • user-friendly and clear graphic interface
  • storage space of 2 GB per project
  • invitation of externals to your projects using a guest TU-ID or a GitHub account
  • rights management by the project owner
  • GitLab Continuous Integration & Deployment Plug-In

The service is free of charge.