Warning about Outlook apps
The new Outlook app for Windows 10 and 11 and the Outlook apps on mobile devices (Android and iPhone) must not be used!
These apps send your login data (login name and password) to Microsoft, which in particular violates the TU-ID terms of use. The new Outlook app ensures that all your emails are sent to Microsoft for analysis. Therefore, the use of the Outlook app for mobile devices (Android and iOS) and the new Outlook app for Windows is prohibited for information security and data protection reasons.
However, the classic Outlook programme can still be used. This is part of the Microsoft Office package and retrieves emails directly from our servers without storing the login data in the Microsoft Cloud. You can use Outlook under Windows and MacOS in the current versions (2016, 2019 and 2021 as well as M365).
The use of the web-based version, the Outlook Web App (OWA), is also uncritical.
The classic Outlook is also currently being revised by Microsoft. If there are any restrictions on use in future versions of the Outlook included with Office, we will inform you.
User groups
Employees automatically receive the central e-mail address firstname.lastname{runningnumber}@tu-darmstadt.de when the TU-ID is activated.
Institutions can apply for the Groupware service and thus use extended functionalities.
The central e-mail address for employees
As an employee of the TU you will receive a personal mailbox
- automatically provided with the activation of your TU-ID.
- with your central e-mail address firstname.lastname{runningnumber}@tu-darmstadt.de.
- with an appointment calendar that you can share with your colleagues.
- with a university-wide address book.
You can find your central e-mail address in the under Persönliche Accountverwaltung > Zweckgebundener Datenbrief > Selbstauskunft > E-Mail-Angaben. IDM portal
Become a customer of the service groupware
In addition to the central e-mail address for employees, the groupware service offers additional service features.
Service features for groupware service customers
- Extension of personal mailbox for employees
- Personal mailboxes for guests, partners, lecturers and student assistants
- Functional mailboxes for multiple users (sekretariat@xyz.tu-darmstadt.de)
- Distribution groups that pass on information to many recipients (mailinglist@xyz.tu-darmstadt.de)
- Your resources (e.g. meeting rooms), that you can manage yourself
- Forwarding, which forwards e-mails to a specified e-mail address within TU Darmstadt
- Extended reachability, 12-month forwarding of the central/existing e-mail address to external, personal e-mail address
Further information regarding the service features can be found . here
Details on the scope of functions and support services can be found in the currently valid (opens in new tab) . service description (in German)