WLAN (eduroam)

WiFi: Automatic configuration

The best way to configure your WLAN Access by using the geteduroam-App from SURF or the older application Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) from Geant.

The security settings (certificates and host name of the authentication server) are set automatically.

Please use the „eduroam“ profile. In case of problems with Smartphones you may use the profile „eduroam – TTLS-PAP preferred“ or profile "eduroam (without wire-connected-network)“ for Windows-Laptops alternatively .

Enter the data of your WiFi account during configuration:

  • Username: <Login name of WiFi account> (e.g. mj30xoxolan00@tu-darmstadt.de)
  • Password: <Password to WiFi account>

How to get a WLAN account

WiFi accounts are created and also managed in the IDM portal. For more information, see the instructions for creating and managing personal WiFi accounts (opens in new tab) .

Manuals for using the Configuration Assistant for mobile devices

iOS (opens in new tab)
Android (opens in new tab)

Manual setup

In the following you will find instructions for a manual configuration of your WiFi access. You should only choose this alternative if the configuration via geteduroam oder CAT does not work.
This is often necessary for visitor accounts.

Don't skip the part of certificate verification. Your account would be vulnerable to attacks otherwise.

Windows WiFi configuration for:
Windows 10
Mac OS X und iOS To configure WiFi (eduroam) manually on your macOS or iOS, please use the following settings:
  • SSID: eduroam
  • external identity / anonymous user name: eduroam@tu-darmstadt.de
  • Identity: loginname according to your WiFi account
  • Server: radius.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de
  • Certificate: T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
Linux WiFi access under Linux (PEAP) (opens in new tab)
Android WiFi configuration guide for Android devices (opens in new tab)
Chrome OS Please use the Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) and go to “other installer” and click “Chrome OS”.

Special note when using iOS devices (Apple):

Information (German only) (opens in new tab)

When setting up visitor access manually, the field “external identity / anonymous username” must remain empty.