Limited availability
On 11.09.2024
The availability of the university computing centre will be limited on 11.09.2024 due to an internal event. Please send urgent requests to service@hrz.tu-darmstadt.de. Thank you for your understanding.
Picture: iStock_D3DamonPicture: iStock_D3Damon
Increasing IT security in outgoing email traffic
From 24 September 2024, not only incoming email traffic will be routed via the DFN gateway, but also all outgoing email traffic. This measure serves to increase IT security. Senders will then also receive a notification about emails that are rejected by the DFN scanners due to critical attachments.
Discontinuation of the service “Printing and scanning in the PC Pools”
Important information on the termination on 30/09/2024
The ‘Printing and scanning in the PC pools’ service will be discontinued on 30.09.2024. The portal for paying out the remaining credit will be activated on 01.10.2024.
Change to the entry of MX records
Note for admins and domain representatives
From 21.10.2024, information on mail routing, the so-called MX records, will be registered at the Mailalias database. Existing entries will be automatically converted on 04.11.2024.
Slow upload in ShareLaTeX
A solution is already being worked on
The problem with uploading projects and files will take some more time due to the necessary changeover to a new storage solution.
Delay system update SharePoint
The system is expected to be unavailable until Sunday evening (25 August)
+++ Update from 26/08/2024 (2:05 p.m.): The update was successfully completed. +++ +++ Update from 26/08/2024 (11:13 a.m.): The update has been successfully completed. There are currently still minor restrictions in use (see disruption message). +++ Due to unforeseen complications, the work on the SharePoint system update planned for 22 and 23 August has been delayed and is expected to continue until Sunday evening (25 August).
SharePoint cannot be used from 22-23 August 2024
Plan urgent work on documents from SharePoint in advance
Use of the Microsoft SharePoint (SP) system is temporarily not possible from 22-23 August 2024 due to a necessary system update. Ideally, working with documents from SP must be suspended for the duration of the maintenance work and planned well in advance – this also affects OneNote notebooks.
Bild: HRZBild: HRZ
Ankündigung: SAP Fiori erreichbar über vdesk/Citrix!
Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen, Wir freuen uns sehr Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass SAP Fiori nun auch für unsere User über Citrix zur Verfügung steht. Der Vorteil für Sie ist, dass der Zugriff mit jedem Browser möglich ist und die Einstellungen für SAP optimiert sind. Sie können sich mit Ihrer TU-ID hier (https://vdesk.tu-darmstadt.de/Citrix/TUDarmstadtBrowser) anmelden, unter APPS finden Sie die Kachel “SAP Fiori-Portal”. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, SAP Anwendungen
Mandatory use of the student email inbox
Important information on forwarding option – changes on 04.09.2024
To ensure reliable delivery of all study-related information, the use of the student email inbox is mandatory for all students at TU Darmstadt in accordance with the Enrolment Regulations of TU Darmstadt (ESO).
Note for admins: ICMP filters on local firewalls
Why they do more harm than good
Many departments at TU Darmstadt protect their systems with a firewall or with rules on the corresponding hosts. For protocols such as TCP, UDP and ESP, a sensible approach is to first block everything and then enable specific services. This approach is also often used for ICMPv6 and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol). However, this can lead to problems.