E-Mail (Linux mailbox)
Setting up TU e-mail address

Members of TU Darmstadt get an e-mail address. Important information will only be sent to this e-mail address.

User groups

Students get an e-mail address which usually is firstname.lastname{lfdNr}@stud.tu-darmstadt.de. They can set up their e-mail address in the IDM portal after activating the TU-ID.

Employees of TU Darmstadt receive a central e-mail address firstname.surname{lfdNr}@tu-darmstadt.de on base of our groupware . Please check in your institution whether you use groupware as e-mail system or Linux mailbox.

Service characteristics

Linux mailbox offers...

  • secure e-mail communication via SSL encryption
  • extensive SPAM and virus protection
  • access to your e-mails from anywhere via webmail interface

How do I set up my e-mail address?

After activating your TU-ID, you will be forwarded to the e-mail configuration. Then you select one of the suggested e-mail addresses in the IDM portal in the tab student e-mail address.

You can access the mailbox via the webmail portal or using an e-mail program on your device.

Webmail settings

Setting up your e-mail program & Customize your e-mail program

Set up forwarding (opens in new tab)

FAQ (e.g. information about mail delivery and full mailboxes)

Important: Please also make sure that you empty your student mailbox regularly, even if you have set up forwarding. If your mailbox is full, you will no longer receive any messages and they cannot be forwarded.

Instructions for setting up and configuring your Linux mailbox are available here .

The service is free of charge for students.

This service is subject to a fee for facilities. You find an overview of the costs here .