Manual Linux Mailbox
Setting up e-mail


For students

All students with a TU mailbox can access their mails via a webmail interface.

Webmail settings

  • Log in via the webmail interface with your TU-ID and password.
  • Go to “Settings” > “Identities” and then click on the “Identity”.
  • Change your name there.

If you have an existing forwarding configuration and you want to send an e-mail from your student e-mail address, please read this instruction (send e-mails with the help of a client despite your settings for forwarding) .

The option to set up a new forwarding in the IDM-portal no longer exists. Existing redirects set up in this way will be switched off on 04.09.2024 (see HRZ News from 18.07.2024).

For employees

Employees using a Linux mailbox have direct access to webmail via the following url: HRZ-Linux e-Mail server.

Employees automatically receive a central e-mail address when the TU-ID is activated. You have direct access to webmail via the following url: Groupware-Webinterface