Install Jabber on your PC/Notebook
The Jabber Client together with the Cisco phone brings you advantages, for example:
- Search for telephone numbers of TU members via the PC – comfortably type the name you are looking for with the keyboard,
- make phone calls and chat via your computer.
The Jabber Client is easy to install:

3. If your computer/laptop is managed by the HRZ, install the Jabber client from the software portal. Otherwise, download the . After installation, the Jabber icon is on your desktop. installation package for Windows
4. Open the Jabber client via the icon on your desktop.
5. (optional) If you do not have a computer managed by the HRZ, it may be necessary to connect to the server first. In this case, log in with and confirm by clicking Next. Replace tu-id with your TU-ID.
6. Enter your TU ID in the Username field and your password in the Password field.
7. Click on Login.
8. The Jabber client is now configured and ready for use.
For an alternative Jabber/XMPP client (e.g. Pidgin) please use as login.

Note: Jabber is initially set to make calls via your Cisco end device. If you dial with Jabber but want to make the call via a headset on the PC/Mac, you have to set this once.
To do this, click on the icon in the bottom right corner of the Jabber main window. Select Meinen Computer verwenden (= Use my computer). This setting remains until you change it.