If your TU-ID has not yet been registered for the use of Jabber, please contact the HRZ-Service.
In order to use the Jabber client, the functionality must first be enabled. Simply downloading Cisco Jabber is not sufficient.
A distinction is made between two possible cases:
Download Jabber from Google Play Store
- Open the Google Play Store and search for “Jabber”.
- Select the application and click the “Install” button.
- Once the application is installed, click the “Open” button.
- When you start Jabber for the first time, you will be asked to accept the license agreement.
- In the following steps you will be informed about the possibilities you have with the Jabber client. To view the options, swipe your finger from right to left.
- Afterwards you will be asked if Jabber is allowed to have certain/necessary permissions regarding access to contacts, telephony, recording etc.. Make these specifications at your own discretion.
- In the last step, you will be asked if Jabber is allowed to be active in the background as well, in order to be able to make or receive calls.
Note: If you want to enable the setting and exit the application, you will need to log out of Jabber's client.
Denying permissions can later lead to significant restrictions when using the application.
- You will now see the login window of Jabber.
- The login is a combination of your TU-ID (e.g. “ab34efgh”) and the TU domain (“@tu-darmstadt.de”).
Together your login would then be: “ab34efgh@tu-darmstadt.de”
- The login is a combination of your TU-ID (e.g. “ab34efgh”) and the TU domain (“@tu-darmstadt.de”).
- You will be redirected to the Single-Sign-On (SSO) page of TU Darmstadt, where you can log in as usual with your TU-ID and the corresponding password.
- After the successful login you will be automatically logged into Jabber with your TU account.